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Step Six: Screen Casting

Screen Casting takes practice!  This is not a step that you want to wait until the last minute to complete.


Go to so that you can watch tutorials, download the free version, and begin to play around with the software.  While in the website, make sure to watch the tutorials on how to use different features of the software or watch them now by clicking HERE.



Your group should not start this step until the slide presentation is complete.  You will not be able to write your script without a completed presentation.


Know that every group member needs to orally present their portion of the presentation via the screencast-o-matic software or something similar.


Using a web cam for the visual aspect is not necessary and will not affect your grade.  Only audio will be factored.



Check List for Step Six:


- Visit the screencast-o-matic website and become familiar with the software by watching the tutorials. (You may also pick a different software)


- Write a script based on your presentation to be read during your screen cast.


- Answer the following questions:


           1. What are your feelings towards screencasting?


           2. Were the tutorials helpful? Why/Why not?


           3. What was most difficult about screencasting?

Visit the following site and identify pros and cons associated with screencasting.


Screencasting Tips!

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