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Step Two: Assign Roles

1. Reporter/Leader – Responsible for giving weekly updates (Thursdays and Mondays) on the progress of the group. The reporter also communicates with group members to ensure that responsibilities are being fulfilled. They will put any final touches on the presentation.


   2. Drug Names and Images & Video – Student(s) will be responsible for researching and identifying scientific as well as street names of the drug and any information found on the different names. Student will also find appropriate Images (5+) and Videos (2) to add to the presentation. These will need my approval prior to adding them to the presentation. The combined time of the videos may not exceed 10 minutes.


3. Origin (History) and Statistics (Users, Deaths, Demographics, etc) – Student(s) will be responsible for the information that will be on these slides. Student(s) will be responsible for the research of these particular topics. Make sure to use reliable sources.  How to know if a source is credible (Resource 1, Resource 2)


4. Effects of the Drug and Treatments (Websites, Hotline Numbers, Local Addresses) – Student(s) will be responsible for the information that will be on these slides. Student(s) will be responsible for the research of these particular topics. Make sure the information is up to date. 

Check List for Step Two:


- Discuss and determine group roles.


- Make sure there is a clear understanding of each role.


- Watch the video.  As a group identify both positive and negative behaviors and document them to go in the Leaders first report.

Video retrieved from

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