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Homework Assignments

For this assignment, all you have to do is sign up for edmodo and send me a message that simply says "hi".

 (August 31 - September 5)

We have already discussed the 6 Health Factors. For the assignment this week I want you to take a closer look at Life Expectancy. There are many reasons why people are living longer so I want you to choose one of the following:

- Technology
- Living Healthier Lives
- Advances in Medicine

Then in at least one paragraph (4-6 sentences), explain and give examples of how the reason you chose has increased Life Expectancy over the years.

 (September 7 - September 13)

There are a lot of things to think about and consider before buying a HEALTH PRODUCT. What is something people forget to consider? Explain your answer.

 (September 14 - September 19)

Communication has changed so much over the years and the way we communicate will continue to change. This assignment has 3 parts:

1) Explain how people used to communicate and what options for communicating 20 years ago (1995).
2) What is different about communication in 2015? Make sure to include ways that people are communicating now.
3) What will be different about the way we communicate 20 years from now (2035)?

This assignment may require a little "googling". I do not expect "copy & pasted" answers. Use what you find to formulate your own ideas. Each part should have a minimum 4-6 sentence response for a total of 3 paragraphs. 

 (October 5 - October 10)

We all get mad/angry. As it was said in the Brain Games video, "it's just human nature". How does one impact the other though? For this assignment I want you to really think about things that irritate, annoy, bother, anger, stress, upset, worry, and sadden people and then do the following:

- Describe the connection between Anger, Stress, and Depression and its affect on the human body.
- Identify some of the Coping Skills people use to fight against Anger, Stress, and Depression.

You must construct a 4-6 well developed sentence response for both as well as examples.

 (October 19 - October 24)

This week we will be discussing the 3 Eating Disorders (Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder). For this assignment I want you to do the following:

1. Post a link to a website that would give helpful information to anyone dealing with an Eating Disorder.
2. Explain why you feel this website is useful.

 (October 26 - October 31)

Answer the following using the (F)act (E)xample (R)easoning writing strategy:

- Do you feel it is easier for people to eat healthy or not healthy? Explain your answer in six sentences (25 points)

- In the Google search engine type in "why have portion sizes increased over the years". From the choices that come up explain in at least six sentences why the portion sizes have increased over the years and describe your findings (25 points)

- Do you feel like you eat a healthy balance of food on a regular basis? Why or Why not? Explain your answers in at least six sentence (50 points)

 (November 9 - November 14)

Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) is a persons weight divided by their height with age factored in to determine if a person is obese or underweight. For this week you need to do the following:

Step 1 - Find a scale and record your height and weight. If you do not know or are unable to get your exact height and weight, then approximate.

Step 2 - Go to and use the calculator to record your BMI. 

Then...submit your response with the following information:

1. Your Age
2. Your Height
3. Your Weight
4. Your BMI Statistics (Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Percentile)
5. Do you feel like your results were accurate? Why/Why Not? (5 Sentence Minimum)

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