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Welcome To The First Week (August)

It was great getting to see all of the new faces! Make sure that you complete all forms that I sent home with you.  If the forms happen to get lost please click --> Syllabus and Forms so that you can go to that page to make a copy.

Edmodo and Remind (September)

If you havent done so, please download and/or become familiar with these applications.  Edmodo assignments will occur once a week for students but with your parent code, you will be able to keep track as well.  Remind is an application that lets me send you all reminders to stay up to date with class assignments.

Back To School Night (September)

Dont forget to make plans to attend our about Back to School Night.  This is an opportunity for you and other members of the family to meet me and other teachers and to get an idea of what takes place in their classes.

Progress Reports Released (October)

Make sure to ask for those progress reports!

1st Quarter Ends (October)

Your half way through with the class!  One quarter down, one more to go!

S.W.A.G. Assembly (November)

Assembly for those scholars who performed well for the 1st Quarter (Honor Roll, Attendance, etc.).  Family members are encouraged to attend.

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